Coming up on April 10th, we will be having our Kid's Day Fundraiser for our summer kids ministry activities that include: Camp Siloam, Blast, and Sports Camp. I am so excited about being to show our children's ministry to the rest of the church for a great cause while our kids lead worship, serve in welcoming, and various other parts of the worship service.

We are going to use this website to share the music that your kiddo will be singing that Sunday. We meet each Sunday night at 5:00 in Jam Town to practice this music on the following Sundays: March 13th, March 27th, and April 3rd. It is necessary that you are there to receive funding for your summer activities. On the morning of April 10th, we will meet in the sanctuary at 9:00 am to practice with the kiddos singing. We will serve breakfast for them as well that day. If you have any questions please let me know.
Here are the the music videos for you to listen to over the next coming weeks for your children.